Dear NWLSD Families:
We are writing to inform you about legislative requirements that impact your child this school year and the options that you have as a parent or guardian of one or more NWLSD students currently enrolled in grades 6-12.
Ohio's 133rd General Assembly enacted House Bill 123, the "Safety and Violence Education (SAVE) Students Act," regarding school security and youth suicide awareness education and training. The state legislation calls for a comprehensive approach to school safety involving Ohio’s departments of Education, Public Safety, Mental Health and Addiction Services and the Attorney General’s Office. Visit the Ohio Department of Education’s website regarding this law and its requirements.
What Materials Will NWLSD Utilize?
Each school district must use a training program approved by the Ohio Department of Education. The Northwest Local School District Board of Education has approved the following training programs for use in its schools to meet the instructional requirements of House Bill 123:
Social Inclusion - Sandy Hook Promise, Start with Hello
Safety Training and Violence Prevention - Sandy Hook Promise, Say Something
Suicide Awareness and Prevention - Sandy Hook Promise, Say Something – Prevent Suicide
If you would like more information about the approved Sandy Hook Promise programs please click here:
When Will Instruction Occur?
Instruction will occur for all NWLSD students in grades 9-12 at CHS and NWHS during the regular school day on February 4, 2025.
Instruction will occur for all NWLSD students in grades 6-8 and students at Transitions Academy during the regular school day on February 5th, 2025.
Instruction will be delivered by NWLSD teachers to students during an extended advisory period.
Administrators and school counselors will be available to assist students who need individual support during or following instruction.
Questions & Opt-Out Information
Parents and guardians have the right to opt out of any or all of the instruction and activities required by this law. NWLSD parents or guardians wishing to have their child excused from this instruction for the 2024-25 school year should complete the opt out form no later than January 31st, 2025.
Please complete this form to opt your child out of instruction and activities required by the SAVE Students Act. This form is only needed if you do not wish for your child to participate in the instruction. Printed copies of the opt out form are also available in the school office for those who are unable to complete the form digitally. Students who have an opt out form on file will be assigned to a supervised study hall on January 3rd during the extended advisory time during which this instruction is occurring.
If you have any questions or concerns about these requirements or Northwest’s implementation of the requirements, please contact Andy Phelps, Curriculum Supervisor.