Critical Incident Training NWLSD is holding a Critical Incident Training in collaboration with Colerain Township First Responders and the Hamilton County Communications Center. Emergency Vehicles and Crews will be on Campus.  WHERE: Pleasant Run Middle School Campus  DATE: Friday, July 26, 2024  TIME: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM, Training is not open to outside spectators.   if possible, Please avoid the area. Simulated gunfire with blank rounds will be used.  this is part of the training.

Northwest Local School District to Conduct Critical Incident Training with Colerain Township First Responders and Hamilton County Communications Center on July 26, 2024

Northwest Local School District is pleased to announce a collaborative training event with Colerain Township First Responders and Hamilton County Communications Center to enhance school safety and preparedness. The all-day critical incident training will take place on July 26, 2024 at Pleasant Run Middle School, and will involve simulations of various school threat scenarios. These drills will ensure that district staff and administrators receive the proper training on how best to work with first responders during any emergency situation. The event will not be open to outside spectators.

This summer training is designed to provide comprehensive, hands-on experience for participants, allowing both district staff and the Township’s first responders to practice and refine their coordinated response strategies. The goal is to enhance communication, streamline response protocols, and ensure that everyone knows their role in the event of an emergency. Participants in the training will assume the roles of staff members and students during the drills, providing everyone involved with the opportunity to see and observe from various perspectives to better address concerns. Each scenario will be followed by a debriefing session to discuss insights and improvements, ensuring that all participants gain valuable knowledge and skills. To create a realistic training environment, there will be simulated gunfire using blank rounds, which may be loud. We want to inform our community in advance so that residents are not alarmed by the presence of emergency vehicles and personnel on campus during the training exercises.

"Safety is our top priority," said Darrell Yater, Superintendent of Northwest Local School District. "This training is a vital component of our ongoing efforts to ensure the safety and security of our students, staff, and community. We are committed to being well-prepared for any emergency situation that may arise; and we are appreciative of our partnership with our Township’s first responders in all of our ongoing efforts to enhance our District’s preparedness."