Thank you, Northwest Local School District


We are deeply grateful for your overwhelming response to our urgent letter-writing campaign. Your dedication and prompt action made a significant impact. Your collective voice in urging the State to reconsider the co-funding share for the replacement of Colerain Elementary demonstrated the strength and unity of our community. 

We are proud to announce that more than 450 letters were submitted. While we did not receive the requested 45% co-funded share, we were allotted the original 22% share and we were offered a unique opportunity to undertake a segmented project to address the needs of Colerain Elementary. This co-funded project will allow our District to build a new Colerain Elementary School (CE), at no cost to the community.

You may ask, “How is NWLSD able to do this?”

In 2019, NWLSD rolled out our Strategic Plan that set the course for long-term success within the District. Establishing financial stability was key in order to follow our roadmap for success for our schools. We knew that our financial plan had to be in alignment with our goals and our plans for the future.

NWLSD has been intentional in taking measures to ensure fiscal responsibility. Our three proactive measures include:

  1. Maintaining a 3% Community Partnership on Operation

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    This step has been crucial for maintaining fiscal responsibility and ensuring sustainable operations. This cap helps right size our district, ensuring that our funds are allocated efficiently and equitably across essential programs and services. By limiting operations, our district has been better able to manage taxpayer resources, avoid deficits, and prioritize long-term financial stability, ultimately benefiting the entire community by promoting a stable educational environment.

  2. Aligning Our Resources to Instructional Priorities


    That means keeping our focus on students and their education and allocating our resources towards providing and building a pathway of success. With 70% or more of our budget being allocated to Instruction, we have continued to match the benchmark to be in alignment with National and State norms. 

  3. Maintaining a Cash Reserve


    This has allowed our District to be prepared for unexpected expenses or funding shortfalls. Our reserve acts as a safety net, allowing us to continue providing quality education and essential services without disruption when emergencies arise.  

As we continue our work around establishing the co-funded building project for Colerain Elementary, we remain committed to keeping our community informed. Communication around our most recent update regarding CE on July 19, 2024 can be viewed here.

Together, we are making a difference. Thank you for your unwavering dedication and commitment to our school community. We will continue to keep you informed of any updates as we proceed through this project. 

Northwest Local School District Administration