Board of Education

Board of Education Members 2025

About the Board

Election of the Board
The five members of the board of education are nominated by petition and elected at a regular November election. Two members are selected in one election and the three remaining members are elected two years later. All members serve four-year terms.

Functions of the Board

  • To be responsible to the citizens and students of the Northwest School District

  • To serve as the school district policy-making body

  • To appoint a superintendent of schools and vest such powers in the superintendent as may be legally delegated

  • To select a treasurer

  • To consider, approve, or reject policies recommended by the superintendent

  • To establish the annual budget for each fiscal year

  • To levy taxes when residents approve a tax issue

Order of Business

  1. Call to order

  2. Roll call

  3. Pledge of Allegiance

  4. Approval of minutes

  5. Public presentations

  6. Committee reports

  7. Special reports

  8. Superintendent's items

  9. Board items

  10. Adjournment

Executive Sessions
The Northwest Board of Education, under Ohio law, may hold executive sessions during the meeting to discuss:

  • Personnel matters

  • Purchase/sale of property

  • Pending litigation or court action

  • Employee negotiations

  • Matters to be kept confidential by state or federal statute

  • Details of security arrangements

Executive sessions are for discussion purposes only. Official action must be taken during public meetings.

Public Participation at Board Meetings

Role of the Superintendent
The Northwest superintendent of schools serves as executive head of the system to carry out Board policies and directives; administers development and maintenance of educational programs and activities; initiates and acts on needed policy changes; recommends the proper personnel for the operation of the district, subject to Board approval; supervises the preparation of and recommends an annual budget; conducts continuous studies of the state of the district, keeping the Board and the public informed; and develops and maintains an educational program which emphasizes employee growth, high standards of academic achievement, and a sound curriculum development program.

Role of the Treasurer
The treasurer of the Northwest School District serves as chief fiscal officer; coordinates district finances with county and state fiscal officials; keeps accurate records of all monies; helps prepare annual appropriations and budgets; manages all accounting systems; pays the bills; coordinates financial data processing systems; prepares fiscal reports and informs the Board monthly regarding accounts and funds; and serves as secretary at Board meetings, recording all official proceedings.