Board Members

Who To Contact:

When questions or concerns come up, it can be challenging to know who to reach out to for assistance. We recommend that families start by addressing their concerns at the closest level for the most direct resolution. If the issue isn't resolved, you may need to move up to the next level.

For instance, if you have an academic question and can't resolve it with your child's teacher, your next point of contact would be the principal.

Click below to view the appropriate chain of command for various issues that may arise.

Member headshot

Nancy Slattery 

Email Nancy Slattery 

Nancy was born and raised in Springfield Township. She is the youngest of 10 children. Her parents instilled in their children a love of God and family. They encouraged each of their children to follow their dreams and value education. They were advocates of personal responsibility, a strong work ethic, and a belief that all things are possible with God. With this strong parental guidance, Nancy was able to forge her path forward. 

She graduated from McAuley High School in 1984. She then went on to earn her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Catholic University of America in 1988. She then attended The Ohio State University College of Medicine where she graduated in 1993. Nancy went on to pursue her internship and residency in Internal Medicine, also at Ohio State, which she completed in 1996. She then returned to Cincinnati where she began her employment with The Christ Hospital as a primary care physician, where the majority of her career has been. 

Nancy values education and believes that every child should receive an excellent education in a safe environment. Education is a partnership between the family, the student, and the professional educators. For a student to reach their full potential, all parts need to work together. There needs to be mutual respect. The family is the building block of society and a child’s first educator. Parental rights are respected. Discipline and respect for others starts in the family unit. When parents are involved in a child’s education, the child achieves at a higher level. 

Nancy’s parents were involved in the education of their children and set this example for Nancy as a parent. Nancy has one daughter who is a college freshman at the University of Cincinnati. She is studying business. Nancy was involved with her daughter’s education as a Girl Scout Troop Leader from K-5. She was also involved in the Everybody Counts program. She assisted in various classroom/school activities by either volunteering at the event and/or sending in needed supplies. She volunteered at sporting events and dance recitals in which her daughter participated. She has worked at the Open House at her daughter’s high school. She has also assisted the high school theater department by painting sets, selling tickets, and selling flowers. She has contributed to school fundraisers. 

Nancy is a member of Loyola Parish. She enjoys reading, walking her dogs, spending time with family, and making crafts.

Nancy desires to be an advocate for students and to represent the taxpayers. She will strive to serve the NWLSD to the best of her ability to help make the district a high performing, fiscally responsible entity.  

Member headshot

Christopher Heather

Vice President
Email Christopher Heather

Chris returns to the Northwest Board of Education after a four year break, having served three prior terms, being first elected in 2001. He is serving this year, the fourth year of his current term, as Vice President of the Board of Education. He is a graduate of Colerain H.S., Class of 1974, and attended Monfort Heights Elementary, and remembers when the driveway to Sam’s Club was a farm, and when he and his classmates would pet horses during recess!

Chris is a strong advocate of career technical education, as there are so many good paying opportunities today for plumbers, carpenters, and other trades people. Today, a plumber or electrician can easily earn money that reaches six figures per year.

Chris grew up and still resides in Green Township. Chris has his Bachelor’s degree from U.C., and a Doctorate in Nursing from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. He is the owner/medical director of The River City Mood Disorder Clinic in Fort Thomas, Kentucky. He has worked the message board at Colerain High School football games for many years, coached and umpired for the Northwest Board of Recreation, and is active with Amvets Post 1988 in Monfort Heights.

He is a licensed private pilot, and he has also soloed in helicopters. Additionally, he is a Civil War historian, having worked two summers while in college at the Petersburg National Battlefield, in Virginia. Chris is a huge UC Bearcat fan, and has only missed three home UC football games in the last 40 years! Chris is most proud of his service in the United States Air Force Reserve, having served 8 years in a medical unit with the 445th Airlift Wing, at Wright Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio.

Chris has a nephew and two nieces who graduated from Colerain High School in the early 2000’s (Phil, Stephanie, and Dianna Heather).

Member headshot

Jim Detzel

Butler Tech Liaison
Email Jim Detzel

Mr. Jim Detzel was re-elected in November 2019 for his 4th term on the school board. He continues to serve as the Butler Tech Board representative from the Northwest Local School District. He serves on the Board Development/Effectiveness committee and Legislative Committee at Butler Tech.. He thoroughly enjoys his work on both boards and one of his goals is to increase the number of students from our district to enroll in the Butler Tech programs. “Butler Tech continues to expand their facilities including new construction beginning the Summer of 2021 at the Natural Science Center. The opportunities for our students are endless.” “We have so many partnerships including West Chester Hospital, giving students a jump start on their careers while they are still in high school!"

Jim continues to serve on additional district committees including the building and negotiation committees. Mr. Detzel is the recipient of the “ Warren Stevens Award”. This is awarded by the Ohio School Boards Association for Outstanding Board Member from a Neighboring District. 

Jim Detzel has been the Owner of Detzel Insurance Agency since 1979. Jim is married to his wife Pam and they have three daughters - Ashley, Brittany and Lyndsay. They also have three Grandsons- Jakob, Gavin and Cooper and welcomed their first Granddaughter Kemper Jo in May.

Jim is a graduate of Northwest High School,class of 1978. Mr.Detzel volunteered as a coach for 13 years at Colerain High School, coaching track and cross country. He enjoys the time he spends getting to know all of the district kids. Jim enjoys watching all sports. He is also a huge Florida Gator fan. 

Vice President headshot

Mark Gilbert

Legislative Liaison
Email Mark Gilbert

Mark was elected to the Board of Education in November 2017. Mark is a lifelong Colerain Township community member. Mark has been employed in the medical field for over 34 years where he now works as the Regional Director for Steel Valley Radiology. He is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati where he studied and graduated in Radiology.

Mark has been married to his wife Tia for 33 years and they have two children. Tia is employed at The Veterans Hospital as a RN. Their son Brandon, 27, graduated from Colerain High School in 2015. Brandon earned his Master's Degree in 2019 from the University of Cincinnati. Their daughter Hannah, 21, graduated from Colerain High School in 2022. Hannah is currently in her second year at the University of Cincinnati and is studying to be a middle school educator. Mark is most proud of their community engagement and mission work they participate in around the world.

The Gilberts attend White Oak Christian Church where they participate in many functions within the church as well as participate in Missions around the world.

Mark is proud of the impact Northwest Local School District has had on his children. He firmly believes it takes a village to provide the most for our children. It is his desire to repay that impact in his role as a Board member. His desire is to improve community awareness of the inner workings of the district.

president headshot

Nicole Taulbee 

Student Achievement Liaison
Email Nicole Taulbee

Nicole was elected to the Board of Education in November 2021. Nicole grew up in White Oak and currently lives in Colerain Township. Nicole and her husband Tom are Colerain High School class of 1997 graduates and have three boys; Carson age 20, a sophomore studying Education and playing baseball at Mount St. Joseph University, Austin age 15, a freshman at Colerain High School, and Blake age 10, a fourth grader at Colerain Elementary.

Nicole has worked at Ameritas for over 25 years. She is currently a Delivery Lead on the AI and Analytics team. At Ameritas, Nicole has also helped lead their Community Involvement Council for over 20 years, coordinating volunteer events throughout the community.

Nicole and Tom attend White Oak Christian Church where Nicole enjoys volunteering in the preschool area. Nicole enjoys watching her boys play sports as well as playing volleyball and softball, traveling and her family's many camping trips throughout the year.

Nicole is passionate about community involvement and volunteering. She enjoys being a part of the board, giving back to our district and continuing to make Northwest Local a desirable district where our students will thrive and be prepared for their future. In 2025 Nicole plans to continue building relationships with our amazing staff and connecting with families in our district.