Counseling Department
What is a Counselor?
A School Counselor's job is to support ALL students academically, socially, emotionally, and in career/college goals. At CMS we aim to help students manage their emotions, life challenges, and to develop positive coping skills. We also want to see you succeed in classes as well, so we're here to brainstorm ways you can better learn while in class!
Visit Our Calm Corner

Honing your inner coping skills can help you handle internal and external stressors. Click here to visit our Calm Corner to learn tips on how to get started developing coping skills
Counselor Request Form

Individual Counseling Services
Your School Counselor is here to support you with anything going on in your life! Please use the form below to request to see your counselor and we will meet with you.
STUDENT Counselor Request Form
Click below on on the Counselor's names to submit a Student Counselor Request Form. *Parents that need to contact your student's counselor can do so by reaching out via email.
Mr. Hester (Students A-K)
Ms. Schnur (Students L-Z)
Crisis Resources
A "Crisis" doesn't just mean suicide: it's any painful emption for which you need support: Bullying, School Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Suicide, Relationships, Friendships, Family Problems or Self-Harm. Crisis Text Line serves anyone, in any type of crisis, providing access to a trained counselor for support and information via the medium people already use and trust: text.
For immediate crisis needs please use the resources below:
District hotline: 513-857-1335
Crisis Text Line: Text Hello to 741741
National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Talbert House Crisis Hotline:(513) 281-CARE (2273) or text Talbert to 839863
If you are concerned for yourself or a friend, don't be afraid to Acknowledge, Care and Tell (ACT).
ACKNOWLEDGE that you are feeling signs of depression and/or suicide in yourself or others.
CARE by letting them know you are worried about them.
TELL a trusted adult.
Who is a Trusted Adult?
Your Parent/Guardian
School Counselor