About Taylor Elementary
Taylor Elementary Core Beliefs
Taylor Elementary is a safe and accepting school
A trusting, supportive and culturally enriched environment is essential for student success.
Our school provides a source of hope and gives students a positive vision of their future.
All students can learn and have the right to learn
Diversity and individual differences enrich learning.
All students must respect each others’ right to learn.
Decisions will always be based on what is best for our students.
Learning requires effort
Students will be challenged to discover and use their unique skills and talents.
Students, families, and staff are active participants in education and are encouraged to be lifelong learners.
Partnerships are invaluable
Strong communication between families and school is vital.
Parents, teachers, staff, and community are responsible for the well-being and education of our students.
Casey Scherz
Assistant Principal
Andrea Childress
Phone Numbers
513.825.3000 - Main
513.825.2983 - Fax
513.825.3000 x1 - Attendance
3173 Springdale Road
Cincinnati, OH 45251
School Hours -
8:50 AM - 3:30 PM