Pleasant Run Middle School PTA Membership
Become a member of the Pleasant Run Middle School PTA by clicking on the link!

PRMS Membership Link

Meetings will be held once a month, the second Tuesday evening of the month.  The meeting time is 6:00 and the location is the school library.   Meeting reminders and communications will be posted on Facebook.  Please follow us on the PRMS (Pleasant Run Middle School) PTA Facebook page.

How Can You Help?
The PTA strives to support the kids and the school.  There are many ways you can help such as attending meetings and offering ideas, volunteering at school events and fundraisers, becoming a member of the PTA board, and making donations are always helpful, if time is limited.  Please reach out to the PTA by emailing: Email PTA to express your interest or attend a meeting to learn more.  We would love to have you join. 

2024 - 2025 PTA Board  
President: Amy Klosterman

PTA is ...

  • A powerful voice for all children,

  • A relevant resource for families and communities, and

  • A strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child.