Guidance Department
What is the Role of a School Counselor?
Help students to recognize and make the best of their capabilities
Give students an opportunity to talk about their education, personal, and social concerns
Help students to build self-confidence and self-esteem
Help students to recognize, understand, and work through learning difficulties
Enroll new students and assist with their transition
Act as a resource person for information
Assist students and families in times of personal and family crisis
Help students to develop an awareness of the world of work
Assist with the design and implementation of interventions
Assist students with the transition between buildings
How and Why Do Parents Contact the School Counselor?
Concerns over school performance
Test score interpretation
Special needs of your child
Family difficulties and concerns
Information on various community support services
To facilitate a meeting with all of a child's teachers
Parents can reach their child's counselor by email or phone.
Form Distribution Information
Forms from outside offices, such as Vanderbilt Assessments, requesting information on a student should be directed to the Counselor's Office for distribution to teachers. The completed forms will be sent directly to the requesting doctor's office.
Scheduling Process Explained
Near the end of the school year, each student meets with their counselor to go over scheduling of classes for the upcoming school year. Core classes are mandatory such as Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies; while placement in others is based on test scores and teacher recommendation, these classes then become mandatory as well. Students in Band, Orchestra, Choir or Show Choir interested in continuing are placed in those classes.
After meeting with each student, counselors input requests into the DASL student system indicating which classes are mandatory and the rank order of the electives. Once this is done, the scheduling program is run filling in the mandatory classes first then filling in the elective classes. Due to class size and availability of electives, students do not always receive their first or even second choice. It is possible for a student to be placed in an elective class which was ranked as a four or five. Often times, a student will ask to drop a class; this isn't possible for many reasons. Either the class is required or there simply isn't another class open.
If you have questions about the scheduling process, please do not hesitate to contact the Counseling Department at Pleasant Run Middle School.
PRMS Guidance Counselors
Adam Combs - 6th Grade & 7th Grade (Team Camelot)
513-851-2400 ext. 5005
Katie Haas - 7th Grade (Team Victory) & 8th Grade
513-851-2400 ext. 5010